Summer is a premier time for class reunions, and this summer may be no exception. Survive your class reunion with these helpful tips.

Class Reunion Survival Tips

Class reunions may be a cause of anxiety for some and a source of excitement for others.

There is no denying that getting together with the people that surrounded you during your formative years is going to be an interesting experience for sure. And if you haven’t been regularly attending these events and are a little on edge about how to get through them, below is a list of tips for how to survive your class reunion. Be prepared to fully enjoy your next reunion and make the most out of it.

9 Tips To Survive Your Class Reunion

1. Start reaching out ahead of time

If you have been skipping out on the reunions in the past, it can help to have a friendly face at the event who will be there to help reduce any potential awkwardness or nerves. Thanks to social media, communicating with old friends is easier than ever, and it would be nice to just shoot them a quick hello or engage them in a brief chat before the event.

2. Go through your yearbook

A little trip down memory lane never hurt anyone. For many people, the scariest thing is the fear of not recognizing someone, or struggling to remember their name – even though it’s been forty years since you’ve last seen them. This could also actually be a way to dredge up some talking at the reunion, as you are more armed with conversation topics to break the ice.

3. Stay true to yourself

It’s normal to want to look and feel your best when coming into contact with classmates after a couple of decades. but as much as possible, keep your appearance to be as close to natural-looking as possible. Don’t try to look thirty years your junior. Nobody who’s attending will look like they did 30 years ago. Be your wonderful self! Wear something that you would typically don for a nice event, put on your dancin’ shoes, and do whatever it takes to help you feel more comfortable in your skin.

4. Bring a plus-one

Don’t want to go it alone? Have a plus-one such as a spouse or longtime friend from another school go along. Bringing friend can be essential in helping you to unwind and mingle. Just resist the urge to spend the entire night stuck to their side and ignoring everyone else. Introducing your guest to others is also a great way to strike up a conversation.

5. Confidence is key

While it might be tempting to sit at a table or linger by the door in the hopes that someone will approach you, chances are that everyone is thinking the same thing. Don’t be afraid to make the first move and approach people, even if it’s just as simple as saying hello. The other person will be grateful for your efforts and this will get the ball rolling.

6. Skip the intense makeover

Despite what some articles might say, there’s no need to spend all your money on an intense facial or procedure of any kind before the event. After all, you’re finally at an age where you’ve accepted that no one looks as they did when they were teenagers.

7. Learn to let go

The school years may not have been the best period of everyone’s lives, and even though some time has passed, there might still be some people that you aren’t too keen on seeing again. However, the best thing to do is to release any longstanding grudges you could be harboring, even unconsciously. Keep an open mind and try to remember that most of your peers have matured at this age. Though you are under no obligation to talk to anyone you aren’t comfortable with, you shouldn’t be outright hostile or belligerent, either.

8. Don’t tell tales

With everyone swapping stories left and right, it can be tempting to embellish a bit about the details of your life. However, one of the biggest mistakes you can make at any reunion is telling outright lies. Not only will you be glossing over your actual accomplishments, but spinning a web of false truths that you’ll have to keep up with for the rest of the night and beyond is exhausting at best. Everyone’s tales are unique and your genuine one is worth sharing about as well.

9. Steer clear of tricky conversation topics

You might have heard that you should never talk politics or religion at the dinner table, and the same can certainly be said about class reunions. The last thing you need is for a debate to break out that could only serve to cause friction and raise tensions. Keep conversations casual and fun by focusing on the people you’re with to ensure that your reunion experience is wholly positive and worth remembering.


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