Time To Pack Up Christmas!

Tips For Packing Christmas Ornaments & Decorations For Next Year! Having to pack up Christmas isn't a lot of fun. Once the grandkids go home, the gifts are put away and even the dog is pooped, it's time to put away the wrappings and trappings of the holiday. These tips for packing Christmas ornaments

2021-04-29T17:35:14-04:00Life After 50|

Madonna Performing At Super Bowl 2012

Madonna: A Safe Choice For Superbowl Halftime Show? Well, it's official. With the recent news that Madonna is performing at the Super bowl half-time show, the miserable truth is out. None of us are transcending the over-50-is-one-foot-in-the-grave attitude any time soon. Not even Madonna. Safe. That's the adjective used to describe her selection as

2021-04-29T20:25:44-04:00Life After 50|

The Perfect Handbag or The Purse From Hell?

What To Do About The Worst Purse Ever Few things in life are more frustrating than when you find yourself saddled with The Purse From Hell. Choosing the perfect handbag is a personal quest. You have something specific in your mind's eye...something that meets your requirements for beauty, utility, comfort. (After all, you're going to

2021-02-09T18:47:10-05:00Life After 50|

Unemployed Baby Boomers

Unemployed Baby Boomers Have Something To Say About "Best Practices In Downsizing" With the last child in college, we never expected to be in the ranks of unemployed baby boomers. The emotions of empty nest well behind us, the future looks pretty sweet, really. One more year to go paying for college, with both

2021-04-26T20:14:10-04:00Life After 50|

Black Friday PSSD: Post Shopping Stress Disorder

One Fifty-Something Woman's Black Friday Shopping Experience. Ugh. href="https://winsometowisdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/shopping.jpg"> Since I've never done Black Friday, and since I believe being a fifty-something woman means you ought to try new things whenever an opportunity presents itself, I had the best of intentions this year. Little did I know that Black Friday PSSD - Post Shopping

2021-04-29T17:21:19-04:00Life After 50|

Your Menopause Diet: Love It Or Leave It!

So, today is Thanksgiving Day. I have an unabashed love for this holiday...it's the one true family holiday...no gifts to buy, little stress, just a tv-watching, turkey-cooking, pigging-out kinda day. I love it. Next to the family, mostly I love the food. Turkey. Mashed potatoes and gravy. (I make a mean homemade gravy!) The

2021-04-22T19:20:53-04:00Life After 50|

Hello, Madrid! Empty Nest? What’s That?

Travel & Fun Over 50: Goodby Empty Nest! This week my husband and I are in Madrid, Spain visiting our son who is a college Junior spending a semester here. I just was thinking today about how different things are since this last offspring hit the road and left for college. I was so fearful...felt

2021-02-17T16:06:43-05:00Life After 50|

Easy Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Recipe

Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins From the new Cooking Light The Complete Quick Cook: A Practical Guide to Smart, Fast Home Cooking by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough comes this fantastically delicious and easy Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin recipe! 1-2/3 cups quick-cooking oats 3 ounces all-purpose flour (about 2/3 cup) 2.33 ounces whole-wheat flour (about 1/2 cup) 3/4

2021-04-26T21:08:09-04:00Food + Recipes, Recipes|

The Complete Quick Cook from Cooking Light

This post was updated February 2021 Chefs Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough Quick Recipes For Busy Baby Boomers...and Everyone Else! Life after 50 or 60 brings challenges when it comes to your diet! Eating less, eating differently, cooking for two...everything seems to need adjustment. The Complete Quick Cook cookbook from Cooking Light fits the bill!

Recipes For Grown-Ups!

Healthy & Delicious Recipes For Empty Nesters, Baby Boomers & Grown-Ups! (Not necessarily the same thing...) We are delighted to begin this new section of food and recipes for baby boomers, dedicated to food, great recipes and new cookbooks for baby boomers, empty nesters, and anyone who loves cooking, good food, and sharing all

2021-04-26T20:53:14-04:00Life After 50|

Sweet and Savory Kale Recipe: Healthy Recipes For Baby Boomers

Sweet and savory kale is absolutely packed with good stuff! Low calorie, high fiber, calcium rich. Simply put, kale has it all. This delicious kale recipe makes it easy to get your vitamins and your daily dose of deliciousness! This easy, delicious and extremely healthful recipe is shared courtesy of WP Rawl. SWEET AND

2020-11-07T19:57:32-05:00Food + Recipes|
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