Forty Beads Book Review

Review of Forty Beads by Carolyn Evans: Brainstorming Married Sex If you have any preconceived notions about the Forty Beads book or method, let ‘em go. Forty Beads author Carolyn Evans is hilarious. Intelligent. Fearless. Warm. Evans straight-up brings it in this book. I read this book from cover to cover in one sitting. Although it's

2021-01-13T14:09:08-05:00Life After 50|

How To Get Younger Looking Hands: 7 Easy Tips

Is It Possible To Make Your Hands Look Younger? One of the most visible signs of aging is in our hands - literally. Our tips on how to get younger looking hands aren't difficult, super expensive, or rocket science. Just simple, general strategies you can use to improve the appearance of aging on your hands

Don’t Let RA Slow You Down

Don’t Let RA Get in Your Way! RA can affect almost every area of your life...from the nagging joint pain it brings, to the results of forced inactivitly - even to issues with sex and romance that chronic conditions can bring. Maureen Niswonger is one baby boomer woman determined that RA was NOT going

2021-04-29T20:09:08-04:00Life After 50|

Between A Rock And A Hot Place Book Review

Author Tracey Jackson On Turning 50: Reality Check! The bookstores are full of books about women turning 50, dealing with menopause, the changes in our bodies, minds, relationships, and the accompanying fear of the future. Few of those eliminate the corners where we like to hide from the facts like this one does. (Be

2020-12-08T21:55:05-05:00Life After 50|

How To Break Up With Your Hair Stylist

When You Choose A New Stylist: Tips For Breaking Up With Your Stylist If you’re ready to choose a new stylist, what about the ‘old’ one? If your stylist is performing poorly – if you cut is more seventies than sublime, your color more Lucille Ball than Kylie Jenner, it’s time to – pardon

2021-02-16T20:33:34-05:00Life After 50|

Spring Fashions For Baby Boomer Women

Where Are The 50+ Women's Fashions? Ok, so...let's face is. Fashion for 50+ women and savvy isn't exactly the hot ticket with the runway set. Rather odd since it seems to me that this group of women are highly visible, rather powerful and financially influential. Can you say "Oprah" ?) Not sure why spring

2021-04-03T09:51:07-04:00Life After 50|

Travel Tips For Medical Treatment Abroad

Is Overseas Medical Treatment For You? Today, many people are looking for options for healthcare. Choosing to get medical treatment abroad is a personal choice, and one that comes with a lot of questions that need answers before moving forward. Dr. Eva Mor is author of “Making the Golden Years Golden”. She is an epidemiologist

Contrology & Pilates Meets Menopause

Contrology - Not Just For Pilates Anymore! When it comes to exercise, aging and menopause, pilates is our friend. Pilates exercise during menopause provides gentle stretching, strength and stamina. I'm not big on keeping up a gym presence. I'm more the sweatin' with the dvd kinda gal. When I can. So pilates via dvd is

2010 In Books: A Private Book Review

A Private Book Review from Someone - Well - Private! I'm a reader. Of many things, from biographies, to good fiction of all types, to true-crime stories (my absolute favorite). Reading has been my hobby, my escape, my love since I was a child. I continued reading as a young mother, then a working

2022-10-28T19:18:52-04:00Life After 50|
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