WYSIWYG Relationships

What is a WYSIWYG relationship? WYSIWYG relationships - or "what you see is what you get', are relationships that are - in a word - simple. Clear. Without the need for or desire to implement any heroic efforts to keep it on track. So many of our relationships are incredibly complex; personal relationships with spouses,

2021-01-26T06:28:53-05:00Life After 50|

1980’s Technology: Don’t Make ’em Like They Used To!

Ode To The Realistic Chronomatic 223 What was so great about cutting edge 1980's technology? The Realistic Chronomatic clock radio was released in 1981, when my husband bought it brand new and shiny off the shelf. The latest in AM/FM technology, it was designed with buttons on the top, buttons and knobs on the front,

2021-11-17T22:25:58-05:00Life After 50|

Baby Boomer Women Turning 50 in 2013

Notable Women Born In 1963... There are a number of baby boomer women turning 50 this year - here is just a sampling! January January 11: Tracy Anne Caulkins, American former competition swimmer, three-time Olympic gold medalist January 26: Daryn A. Kagan, American broadcast journalist, formerly a news anchor for CNN February February 12:

2021-04-29T17:33:10-04:00Life After 50|

Easy Mississippi Mud Cookies No Bake Recipe

Mississippi Mud Cookies No Bake Delight! These Mississippi Mud cookies are an indulgence to be savored and shared! (I have convinced myself they are good for me since they have oatmeal in 'em!) You can add nuts or other items to these, but they are fabulous just as is! These are the best no-bake

2021-01-18T20:07:53-05:00Food + Recipes, Recipes|

A Grateful Book Review: Readers Digest Treasury of Joy & Inspiration

Why On Earth Would You Read This Book? by Pam Sissons In the household I grew up in, we didn't travel. There were no vacations, trips to museums, zoos, or the homes of friends. There was not a network of family friends or close acquaintances who looked out for you. No relationships with relatives

2021-04-29T20:44:51-04:00Life After 50|

Is Oprah Bored?

Is Oprah Abandoning Her Base? Having a Midlife Crisis? There's no standard for change as it relates to what life is like after 50. One of the most interesting blog posts on AARP of late has got to be the one by Barbara Hannah Grufferman, Would Oprah Turn Her Back On Women Over 50? Is

2021-04-29T17:05:45-04:00Life After 50|

Baby Boomer Women and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

by Elizabeth Carrollton Women who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth are significantly more likely to develop a condition called Pelvic Organ Prolapse. This condition is most commonly diagnosed when women are between the ages of 50 and 79, which is why Baby Boomer women should take careful note. While pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is

2021-04-29T19:45:38-04:00Health + Fitness|

Solo Travel For Baby Boomer Women

Rewards For A Woman Traveling Alone Meet Leyla Giray Alyanak, a WinsomeToWisdom guest blogger! Leyla is publisher of WomenOnTheRoad.com. Leyla shares her thoughts with us on how solo travel for baby boomer women is more empowering and exciting than ever before! When Solo and Alone Aren't the Same By Leyla Giray Alyanak Have you ever

Nothing Constant But Change

I'm a big believer in change - as in growth. I have a firm commitment to resisting complacency, to constantly stay fresh, thoughtful, always open to something different. My husband and I are in our mid-fifties. Most of the people we know our age are still working...some have had to begin new careers at

2021-04-29T16:35:45-04:00Life After 50|

Funny Ladies of 50: Post Fifty Female Comedians

Older Female Comedians There are some really funny older female comedians, writers and comedic actresses out there right now. Unlike their trailblazing and priceless "foremothers", Lucille Ball and Phyllis Diller, these post fifty female comedians don't necessarily require props like red wigs, curlers or cigarette holders. Why are these ladies so funny at 50, 60,

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